In March 2024, SPiCE organized a hikoi around our local Maunga, Ōwairaka, to learn more about te taiao and hear pūrakau/stories from Iwi about Ōwairaka. Guided by Pandy and Nick Hawke (Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei), we listened to the story of Wairaka and other tales from the maunga.
Afterward, we participated in an art activity using natural resources found during our hikoi and concluded with shared kai and kōrero under the trees. A huge thank you to Pandy and Nick for their wonderful storytelling and to our fantastic community for joining us and making this day special.
Afterward, we participated in an art activity using natural resources found during our hikoi and concluded with shared kai and kōrero under the trees. A huge thank you to Pandy and Nick for their wonderful storytelling and to our fantastic community for joining us and making this day special.