SPiCE hosted a series of four events to honor Matariki 2024, including a Matariki symposium titled "Wāhine of Wisdom." Participants were nourished with karakia, kai and kōrero in an informal discussion where three inspiring Māori wāhine shared their wisdom.
A special Tamariki Time at Mt. Albert Library included Waiata and Pūrākau, themed around Matariki and a beautiful 'Journeying with Matariki' workshop was infused with the magic of Matariki and the ancestral wisdom of Ngā Ana Wai. Led by passionate practitioners, these workshops offered a unique opportunity to connect with the maunga, the land, its trees, its waters, and the celestial guidance of Matariki while learning traditional practices of plant identification and natural pigment dye making.
The series culminated in a community celebration of light, featuring live music, craft activities, delicious chowder, and a warm community atmosphere.
A special Tamariki Time at Mt. Albert Library included Waiata and Pūrākau, themed around Matariki and a beautiful 'Journeying with Matariki' workshop was infused with the magic of Matariki and the ancestral wisdom of Ngā Ana Wai. Led by passionate practitioners, these workshops offered a unique opportunity to connect with the maunga, the land, its trees, its waters, and the celestial guidance of Matariki while learning traditional practices of plant identification and natural pigment dye making.
The series culminated in a community celebration of light, featuring live music, craft activities, delicious chowder, and a warm community atmosphere.