Natural Heritage refers to the heritage to be found in our environment. It includes geological features, ecosystems and our flora and fauna that have value from the point of view of science, conservation or natural beauty.
Sandringham is surrounded by volcanoes and is also lucky to be home to a remaining remnant of lava rock forest. Use the natural heritage resources on this page to explore our local environment. Challenge your family to find all the native trees on our lava rock forest map. Look for native trees in your neighbourhood and the native birds they attract. Or just find out a bit more about Sandringham's "watery caverns" and the swamp that used to be where a famous stadium is now!
Sandringham is surrounded by volcanoes and is also lucky to be home to a remaining remnant of lava rock forest. Use the natural heritage resources on this page to explore our local environment. Challenge your family to find all the native trees on our lava rock forest map. Look for native trees in your neighbourhood and the native birds they attract. Or just find out a bit more about Sandringham's "watery caverns" and the swamp that used to be where a famous stadium is now!
Lava rock forest map
Did you know that we have a beautiful ancient lava rock forest at Gribblehirst Park? Use our map to explore this natural treasure. How many of the native trees on our map can you find?
Supermarket for the birds!
In this guide to some of our native trees, discover how they provide food for our native birds. And get some extra clues to help you locate all 8 tree types marked on our lava rock forest map!
Natural Heritage
What do you know about Sandringham's natural heritage? Download our fascinating guide to learn more about our local maunga and volanoes, and to discover the original name for Sandringham!