So what exactly do SPiCE do? We are involved in a variety of projects, large and small, all benefiting the local area of Sandringham.
Have a look at a selection of our projects below to find out more!
Have a look at a selection of our projects below to find out more!
Bringing The Community Together
Floral Carpet Festival Our vibrant Floral Festival is a feast for the senses, bringing the whole community together in an explosion of colour. Read more about this colourful festival here.
MatarikiTraditionally a time where people and communities come together to remember the past year, celebrate the present and plan for the future. Read more about our event here.
Sandringham Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival has been a key event for the Sandringham community for 20 years. Run by Sandringham Business Association, you can read about how SPiCE gets involved here.
Improving Our Local Environment
Moth Plant WarriorsRead about how our amazing Moth Plant Hunting Competition replaces this invasive vine with beautiful native plants.
Grafted Fruit TreesLocal gardener, Ellen Schindler, is bringing a kaleidoscope of colour and deliciousness to Sandringham through our grafted fruit tree project. Find out more here.
Re-Wilding WateaSPiCE want to re-wild a small section of Watea Reserve by implementing a 'no-mow zone'. Read about the benefits to the environment here and have your say.
Enhancing Our Shared Space
Local Reserve RedevelopmentRead about how the community came together to transform their local reserve and in the process created a motivated group of locals with big ideas for Sandringham.
Urban Art ProjectFind out about our latest urban artwork and watch the vibrant transformation take place. Read about the local inspiration for the design from the artist, Ross Liew.
Diwali Lights A colourful glittering display of lights in Sandringham Reserve to celebrate Diwali - the Festival of Light. See how the reserve was transformed with chandeliers and fairy lights for this magical event.
Representing Our Local Community
Engaging with local board, Auckland Council and Auckland TransportAs SPiCE is a local, place-based organisation, we often work with the Albert-Eden Local Board, Auckland Council and Auckland Transport. Read more about what we do here and how you can get involved.
Tactical UrbanismTactical Urbanism is all about action. Also known as DIY Urbanism, Planning-by-Doing, Urban Acupuncture, or Urban Prototyping, this approach refers to citizen-led approach to change. Read all about this fascinating movement here and get involved.
Creating a shared visionAs a community-led development organisation, it is key to our kaupapa that we work from a shared community vision. We seek to build plans with those who live, work, care, play, and invest in Sandringham. Learn more here.
If you are interested in finding out more about any of these projects or would like to get involved we would love to hear from you.